Have you been feeling irritable and extra tired lately? Are you having trouble building muscle or talking yourself into doing things you used to enjoy (including sex)? Do you wake up un-rested because you sleep poorly, leading you to struggle to focus during the day?

These are all signs of low testosterone, which can happen when your testicles don’t produce enough testosterone. Low T can severely impact your ability to live and enjoy your life. Fortunately, you don’t have to live like this forever.

At Olympus MD, we can show you how to increase testosterone levels and get back to being the man you want to be. But first, let’s talk through some of the mental health signs that you have low testosterone.

Low Energy: The First Sign

We all have long days that leave us feeling tired now and then, but when it’s a struggle to get out of bed and perform everyday activities without feeling fatigued, you may be dealing with low T.

Testosterone is responsible for several functions in the body. When the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone, it runs less efficiently than it should. This means the body must work harder to perform routine tasks, draining energy and leaving you feeling more fatigued. Additionally, low testosterone can impact sleep patterns, causing you to miss out on vital sleep at night.

Many men miss this critical first sign of low testosterone, shrugging it off as “just a bad day” or thinking their low energy is just a consequence of their busy lifestyle. When a low T diagnosis gets delayed for too long, though, it can lead to further symptoms, including a reduced sex drive, depression, and poor mental health.

Reduced Drive & Depression

Testosterone is a sex hormone, so when it is low, your sex drive will also be low or, in some cases, nonexistent. You may also experience erectile dysfunction (ED), which can be surprising and feel embarrassing if you have never experienced it before. This is often the symptom that gets men to seek medical attention; however, you don’t need to wait until you are having troubles in the bedroom to seek help.

Additionally, testosterone impacts emotional regulation, and researchers have linked depression with low testosterone in men. This depression can be compounded by the accompanying signs of low testosterone, including a decreased sex drive, fatigue, and irritability. The depression that comes from Low T is more than feeling sad once in a while – it is a lingering state that makes it feel impossible to do the things you used to enjoy.

Poor Mental Health

Considering the many aspects of your life that can be impacted by low energy, a reduced sex drive, and depression, it’s not surprising that low testosterone ultimately leads to poor mental health. You can feel depressed, anxious, sad, and exhausted all the time, which can lead to troubles in your relationships. It can be difficult for you to concentrate and focus, which can negatively impact your job. Regarding relationships, you may have a more challenging time connecting with your partner, and it could be difficult for you to find the energy to hang out with your friends.

All of these can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can be detrimental to your overall mental health.

Schedule Your Consultation with Olympus MD Today

If you are experiencing any of the above signs and symptoms of low testosterone, know that help is available through hormone replacement. Olympus MD offers men’s hormone replacement therapy to help you get your energy back, sleep more soundly, boost your libido, and improve your overall mental health. Learn more about our program, or get in touch to schedule your free consultation with purchase.

IMG Credit: New Africa